Friday, December 19, 2008

week 3 Flickr

Hi fellow bloggers,
Flickr has been a lot of fun. So far this has been the area most like a black hole for me - so much to explore and so many places to lose hours of time so Kontrol* and restraint have been part of the experience.

So what am I doing writing this at 4 o'clock on Friday before Xmas? nuts huh..... I spent a lot of time exploring the other flickr searchers on the pandia site, CompFight and FlickrStorm thanks to Chloe and Kate, which were fantastic fun to play with and gave far more interesting and varied results to Flickr itself. Creative Commons is really valuable for us as library staff and web 2.0 officianados if we were to utilise images in training IL and on the catalogue. Mash ups were illuminating - I had the thought of redesigning our entire catalogue just for starters (ha ha)

Scenario - imagine the catalogue screen horizontally divided in two. Top half visually represents book spines on virtual shelves in call number order. Scroll your mouse over the spine and the face of the book flips forward in the centre of the display with actual cover displayed. You will get a call number order visual and virtual browse of the shelves according to location or with locations mashed together as they are now, whichever you prefer. The bottom half of the screen shows all the metadata and catalogue info associated with the item on display including request and hold options plus status etc etc. This is where search fields will be available. Looks really good, functions well. My dream catalogue. You may even create maps and webs of items linked by subject. So many possibilities!!!!

Anyhow, I did not have many pics on my work PC so I've uploaded just a few things - my twin toddlers Miles and Audrey, my favourite people. Feel free to post comments and give feedback. I love this blog thang!

Cheers and Happy Christmas, Bloggerena / Scitech


  1. Those kids are adorable! What more could I possibly say? Except make your links clickable... cheers, Julanne

  2. Great idea about the re-design of the catalogue! The more I read other people's ideas, the more excited I am getting about the endless possibilities that web2.0 will bring to the modern library- coool bananas!!! (PS- your twins are adorable!)

  3. I *love* your idea re: the catalogue re-design. I think students would love the look and feel of that type of design.

    A few months ago Tom G sent an email via Reflibs about Amazon's new interface for browsing new items. I can't locate it in my email, but it was really cool. You scroll over books and info pops up etc, much like your suggestions.

    P.S. I have to agree about the twins. They're so cute! (And who doesn't like twins?)

  4. Thanks for sharing the ultrasound photo - amazing, and so clear!

  5. Rather belated, but here's that Amazon interface:
